Jalan Lebuhraya Muara-Tutong. Kampong Lambak Kanan BC2515.

Negara Brunei Darussalam


The Youth Development Center, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports is a skills center that runs various skills courses for the community and youth. In line with the KKBS Strategic Plan 2020-2024, the direction for PPB has been revised in 2020 towards its transformation as an inclusive Skills Training Center of Excellence.

Youth Development Center focuses on the operation of two (02) main skills programs which are:

  1. Youth Development Program (implementation period is one year) - conduct 'marketable' and recognized skills training for youth, self-development programs and job placement programs to increase their marketability to get a job, run their own company or continue their education to a higher level.​
  2. Community Program (implementation period is less than six months)- running various courses on a short-term basis. In addition to obtaining new skills, this program also aims for 'upskilling' and 'reskilling' to support the national agenda in terms of human resource development namely; life-long learning.


  Vision dan Mission

Vision :  Community Empowerment to Excellence

Mission : As a Center of Excellence that Increases Marketability Through Skill Training and Self-Development with Strategic Partner Cooperation.

 Function and Way Forward


  • Menyediakan program latihan dan kemahiran hidup penting untuk menyokong masyarakat mencari rezeki dengan mendapatkan pekerjaan dan/atau bekerja sendiri berdasarkan permintaan pasaran.
  • Untuk bekerjasama dengan agensi Kerajaan, industri dan persatuan bukan Kerajaan dalam menyediakan kemahiran pembangunan keusahawanan, program inkubasi dan akses pasaran untuk membantu menghasilkan produk mereka.
  • Memberikan tumpuan secara inklusif kepada kumpulan sasaran seperti mereka yang berpendapatan rendah, tiada kemahiran, ibu tunggal, mereka yang mencari pekerjaan dan Orang Berkeperluan Khas.

Way Forward:

  • Effective Governance
  • Resource and Facility Optimization.
  • Strengthening Sustainable Strategic Partners.
  • Improving the Quality of Training.
  • Best Trainee Set-up


Lead by: 

Asistant Director of Youth Development Center

​Yang Mulia Awang Haswandi bin Haji Osman

